Consulting center Progresfem
Project beneficiary: PROGRESFEM
Project name: PROGRESFEM Consulting Center
Project number: DGV01005
Program area name: SK09 Domestic and gender-based violence
Project partner: FENESTRA
Project grant: 1242, - EUR
Total eligible partner costs: € 1380
Project goal: Reduced gender-based violence
Project execution time: 2.7.2014 - 30.4.2017
Measure: Creating new services for women experiencing violence by an intimate partner and their children - a counseling center
Project financing:
The total eligible costs of the project will not exceed: € 124,661
The project grant will not exceed: € 112,195
Project grant rate does not exceed: 90%
The co-financing of the project from own resources does not exceed: € 12,604
The project grant, as well as each of its parts, consists of the contribution of the relevant financial mechanism and 85% of the contribution from the state budget: 15%.
Project goal:
The primary objective of the project was to create a counseling center in the Poprad district for women experiencing violence from an intimate partner, providing specialist specialized social counseling, psychological assistance and legal services for women free of charge. The same goal of the project was the establishment of telephone crisis assistance and the dissemination of public awareness in the field of gender-based violence. The aim is to contribute to the overall change in attitudes in the context of women's human rights and to contribute to the elimination of gender stereotypes and thus to the mitigation of inequality between men and women in society.
Project Outputs and Output Indicators:
Number of newly established counseling centers: 1
Number of cases of counseling for women - victims of violence against women for one year: 191
Project results and result indicators:
Advisory center: 1
Number of jobs created: 5
Number of women and their children to be counseled: 250
Number of forms of specialized counseling provided: 3
Number of types of specialized counseling provided to women and their children: 3
Application for accreditation under Act 448/2008 Coll. on social services: 1
Accredited training for employees working with target groups: 2
Evaluation meetings: 3
Consultative consultations: 6
Advertising Indicators:
Number of notifications published in the media (print media): 7
Number of conferences: 2
Number of websites dedicated to the project: 1
Website visits: 3253
Number of participants in conferences: 97
Photos from the realization of the project

General support of the consulting center Progresfem
Recipient name: PROGRESFEM
Project title: General support for the PROGRESFEM consultancy center
Project contract number:
Donor: Slovakia - Czech Women's Fund and Phillip Morris Slovakia
Project Objective: Supporting a counseling center to provide quality and professional specialized counseling for women experiencing violence from an intimate partner and their children.
Realization time: 1.1. 2017 - 31.8.2017
Grant amount: 2 470, - EUR
Project title: General support for the PROGRESFEM consultancy center
Project contract number:
Donor: Slovakia - Czech Women's Fund and Phillip Morris Slovakia
Project Objective: Supporting a counseling center to provide quality and professional specialized counseling for women experiencing violence from an intimate partner and their children.
Realization time: 1.1. 2017 - 31.8.2017
Grant amount: 2 470, - EUR

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